NI43-101Pre-Feasibility Study Report - page 153

Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 – Rev. 0
further delineation and expansion of strong REE mineralization identified in previous
drilling in this area. Drilling was initially undertaken on 090º fences, based on
apparent N-S horsetailing of mineralization north of Bull Hill. In mid-program, the
preferred drill orientation was changed back to 045º based on analysis of results.
Thirty drill holes totalling 24,658.5 feet (7,518m) were completed during this phase of
the program. Seven core holes totalling 4,550 feet (1,387m) out of the total 2012
program were drilled at Whitetail Ridge and Bull Hill for geotechnical study. These
holes were not split and assayed, but were selectively sampled for testing at a
geotechnical laboratory.
Fourteen PQ drill holes totalling 6,853.5 feet (2,089m) were also completed during
2012 in the Whitetail Ridge and Bull Hill West areas to complement the PQ core
previously drilled at Bull Hill and held in storage. This material comprises more than
20 tons and was collected for purposes of metallurgical testing, including the 2013
pilot plant testing.
The 2013 drilling program was conducted in two phases. The first phase took place in
June and July and involved infill drilling at the Whitetail Ridge deposit in order to
upgrade a significant portion of the resource from the Inferred to Indicated category.
During this phase, 14 HQ core holes were drilled for a total of 11,697.5 feet (3,556.3
m). The holes were drilled on a grid at an azimuth of 230
All but one of the holes
was drilled at an inclination of -60
with the remaining hole drilled at an inclination of -
The second phase was designed to upgrade part of the high-grade resource at the
Bull Hill deposit to the Measured category and develop a more detailed model of the
REE grade distribution in that part of the deposit. It consisted of 21 PQ diameter core
holes totalling 10,650.5 ft. (3,247.1 m) and 6 reverse circulation (RC) twin holes
totalling 2,730 ft. (832.3 m). The RC twin holes were drilled using a center return
hammer with the objective of minimizing hole erosion and obtaining assay data
directly correlative to that from the adjacent core holes. The RC twin holes were part
of a program to determine the viability of replacing core with less costly RC drilling in
future drill programs, and the RC data were not used in the resource estimate
The current spacing between fences of drill holes within the main Bear Lodge Project
area ranges from approximately 100 to 800 feet (30 to 250 m), with fences 100 feet
(30 m) and 200 feet (60 m) apart in the three main resource areas. Drill hole spacing
along the fences ranges from 100 to 200 feet (30 to 60 m) (Figure 10.1).
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