NI43-101Pre-Feasibility Study Report - page 581

Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 PFS Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10035-200-46 - Rev. 0
Chapter 15
Economic Parameters for Pit Optimization, provided by
(J Pickarts, Rare Element)
Overall Slope Angles for Pit Optimization,(W. Rose (WLCR 2014))
Table & Figure provided by (W. Rose, WLRC2014)
Ultimate Pit Design
Bear Lodge Mineral Reserve Estimates
Chapter 16
Pit Slope Design Sectors, (Taken from “Bear Lodge Feasibility Level Pit Slope Stability
Evaluation for the Bull Hill and Whitetail Open Pits”, by Sierra Geotechnical, dated
December 6, 2013)
Table & Figures provided by (WLRC 2014)
Pit Design Inter-Ramp and Bench Face Angles
Mining Phase BH1 (Starter Pit)
Ultimate Pit Extents (Phases BH4 and WT3)
Mineral Reserves by Mining Phase
Bear Lodge Mine Production Schedule
Mine Progression by Year Maps, provided by Golder & Associates
Mining Equipment List, provided by (Roche, Capital Cost Estimate, Revision I)
Tables provided by Golder & Associates
Operations Hourly Workforce
Maintenance Hourly Workforce
Salaried Personnel
Chapter 17
Tables, & Flowsheets, provided by Roche Engineering, 2014
PFS PUG Flowsheets
PUG Plant Power Consumption by Area
PUG Plant Water Balance
Rare Earth Elements Distribution
Hydromet Plant Reagents Consumption
1...,571,572,573,574,575,576,577,578,579,580 582,583,584,585,586,587
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