NI43-101Pre-Feasibility Study Report - page 157

Rare Element Resources
Bear Lodge Project
Canadian NI 43-101 Technical Report
October 9
, 2014
10135-200-46 – Rev. 0
probable case. There may also be void zones that lack mineralized material.
Beginning in 2012, definitive void areas were not included in assay intervals, and are
tabulated as voids.
10.3.3 Collar Surveys
Rare Element contracted the drill hole collar surveys for all 2008 through 2013 core
holes to Bear lodge Ltd., professional engineers and land surveyors based in
Sundance, Wyoming. Collars were marked and surveyed after completion of each
hole. During the survey, the WGS84 geographic coordinates are measured and
corrected on-the-fly while in the field. Geographic coordinate corrections are based
on a correction factor transmitted from an accurately located base station set up by
Bear lodge Ltd. in the vicinity of the area being surveyed. At the end of each day the
measurements are uploaded to a computer and processed by "TG Office" to produce
a set of projected coordinate values. Coordinates are provided in numerous
geographic projection systems, with the original data obtained in WGS84. Through
2011, Rare Element requested UTM Zone 13 (m) projected coordinate values based
on the NAD27 geographic datum. Bear Lodge Ltd. has also routinely provided the
data in additional coordinate systems, including NAD83 and the Wyoming State
Plane System. Bear Lodge Project data utilized for development activities and
resource estimates is currently reported in NAD83 US survey feet coordinates.
10.3.4 Down-Hole Surveys
Down-hole surveys were conducted on all core holes drilled by Rare Element from
the 2008 through 2013 drill programs. Survey point intervals were approximately
every 100 feet (30.5 m). The surveys demonstrate deviation of the drill stem from a
straight-line projection of the surface bearing and inclination. Measurements were
carried out by the drillers utilizing an electronic single shot instrument (Reflex EZ-
SHOT). The instrument provides seven parameters in a single shot, including:
azimuth, dip, roll angle relative gravity, roll angle relative magnetic north, temperature,
magnetic field strength, and magnetic dip angle. The instrument is sensitive to
magnetic interference. Measurements are read and recorded from a digital display on
the instrument at the collar after retrieval. Subsequently, all data are entered into the
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